Office Hours for August 8th - 12th:
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. + 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.
The office will be closed for lunch.
If you missed registration please follow the steps below:
1 // Go to the AP Office to verify Online Registration (OLR) and to pick up your class list
Please note, if you have completed your student’s OLR and your application is “pending” your registration has been received and is pending review by MHHS staff. Once your OLR is processed you will receive notification. If you have not started, then please log into ParentVue online to begin. For more information, please visit our website.
2 // Take the class list to the Textbook Window for book pickup
The textbook office will be open August 8th-15th, 7:30-4 p.m. Students must have their class list to receive their materials.
3 // Finance Office and Purchasing
You can buy all items on the Online Webstore, otherwise visit us in-person at the Finance Window.
PE Clothes will not be available for pick-up until the first week of school. However, you can purchase them and/or PE locks now or by visiting the webstore.
If you purchase an ASB sticker, you’ll get it on your ID card after you take pictures on August 19th or 22nd.
Any items that need to be purchased can be done in person at the Finance window or on the website, under the parent tab in the Grizzly Web Store.
Need a parking permit? Please stop by the Finance Office and pick up a parking permit application and then return it back to Finance. Students must attend a Start Smart class in order to qualify for a pass. The next session is on August 17th for those who’ve missed the classes. Please sign up for the Start Smart class as soon as it’s available.